Purchasing a home is likely the biggest and most important financial transaction a person will make in their lifetime. Searching for the right home and getting your offer accepted can be a stressful experience. It takes a realtor with great experience and strong negotiation skills. The last thing you need to worry about is your financing.
That's why it's so important to select a mortgage professional with the experience and knowledge and communication skills who can seamlessly guide you through the process of obtaining a mortgage with the optimal terms and that best fits your financial goals and needs.
After packing my car and moving to the Bay Area from the Midwest in 1980 when I was 19, I began my career in the mortgage business shortly after marrying my beautiful wife Denise in 1985. I soon realized that I wanted to get involved in the financial side of real estate and help people achieve the dream of homeownership. Now, 39 years, two wonderful kids and two beautiful grandkids later, I have helped hundreds of Californians with the financing and refinancing of their homes and have closed over a billion dollars in purchase and refinance transactions.
My goal on every transaction and with every client is to make it a seamless and stress-free experience with constant communication and as much education as they desire about the process and the programs available to them. I offer detailed comparisons of products and terms and costs to help you make a confident, informed decision on your financing.
Responding to emails and texts late at night and on weekends is part of my job and the unique service level that I offer to my clients and their agents. In addition, the rates I can offer with PMP through our many resources are among the most competitive available. And we always close on time.
As for my hobbies and interests, I enjoy playing guitar, golfing, Hawaiian vacations, summer BBQs, classic rock & acoustic folk, and watching the Cubs, the Dubs, and the Niners.
It would be an honor and a privilege for me to assist you with this most important financial decision, and I look forward to working with you!
Mortgage rates change every day, and your rate will vary based on your location, finances, and other factors. Get your FREE customized rate comparison below: