There are significant benefits to Buying Before Selling:
Picture this: you decide to move, maybe to be closer to the grandkids growing up in Idaho, or to simply downsize to a smaller, more convenient, one-story home. Whatever the reason, you've decided the time is now. Fortunately, you have enough equity in your home to "Buy Before Sell" so you sit down at the kitchen table, pop open the laptop, and begin looking at homes for sale where you want to move. You find the home of your dreams, you contact the agent, and you submit an offer knowing the seller will find your offer favorable because your offer will be NON-CONTINGENT on the sale of your current home.
This Non-Contingent offer is as good as those cash buyers offering less so you know your offer will find favor with the seller. AND, because the offer is not contingent on you selling your current home, you don't have to offer more money to entice the seller to take your offer. In fact, if the property has been on the market for more than a month you could offer LESS than the asking price, within reason, of course.
We are flexible and fast. We are smooth and easy. With no qualifying requirements based on income or employment and no appraisals on either property in the transaction, we can close the purchase transaction in half the time of a traditional 30-day closing period.
You aren't being pushed out by a buyer of your old home. You can stay in the old home after buying the new home, in order to fix up the new home before you move in… you can move to the new home and then fix up the old home so it sells fast and for top dollar… OR you can do both! We will meet your needs and are flexible to allow a smooth and unrushed transition for you and the family.
Work with your agent to renovate the old home with new carpet, a fresh coat of paint, or whatever your agent thinks will get the most value for your dollar. According to the National Association of Realtors, a vacant and polished up home will sell faster and for more money than an "as is" home still occupied by the owner.
Coordinating the timing of selling your current home first, before closing on the sale of your new home, can be a very stressful and anxious time for home buyers. What if your buyer backs out? What if their home loan is declined? What if the appraised value comes in lower than the buyer's offer price? What if the buyer won't allow a rent-back but the new home needs work or you simply want to upgrade it before you move in? What if something bad pops up on the new home, something in the inspection reports you don't like? The list of possible stress-inducing issues that can arise when trying to sell first is endless! Avoid this stress by Buying Before Selling.